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20th Century Medicine
Diamond 9
Fight Against Infectious Disease
The Story of Penicillin
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WALT: To what extent did medicine improve in the 20th century? 
WILFs: Can describe and explain FACTORS in the 20th century (C)... can explain which factors were important in medical progress in the 20th century (B) ... can describe and explain progress made in the drug treatment of disease (C)... can assess the reasons why life expectancy increased so much in the 20th century in a multi causal answer (A)

Some knowledge of 20th-century civilisation will help you understand 20th-century medicine.

Here's a list of some of the many developments and changes that took place during that century:

  1. There was a great explosion of scientific understanding and technological innovation.
  2. Many societies became hugely rich, though wealth was still unequally shared.
  3. There was considerable urbanisation (explosive growth of cities).
  4. Communications technology made the world seem smaller and more cosmopolitan. This allowed medical ideas to spread rapidly, but also allowed diseases such as SARS to spread.
  5. There was more time for leisure, less time spent on work.
  6. People became less religious - so more inclined to look for medical solutions even to spiritual and psychological problems.
  7. Many societies were democratic, and thought the duty of the state was to care for its citizens - hence demands for a welfare state.
  8. American military and economic power, and American values, were dominant.
  9. Stress due to terrorism, the undermining of traditional values and the rapid pace of life took a great toll on people's general health.
  10. Wars, epidemics and famines killed more people in the 20th century than they had in the whole of the rest of history.

All these factors affected medicine in both negative and positive ways. Nevetheless, most people in 2000, when compared with their grandparents, were taller, heavier, healthier and lived longer.

Lesson Development
1. Starter: Use the handout and the clip to Rally Robin a preliminary answer to today's WALT question

2. Stand and Share
3. Take your shoulder partner to a computer and use the first few slides (1-10) and list the Factors which led to progress in 20th century medicine
4. With a new partner promenade and discuss which factors were most important in causing medical progress in the 20th century
5. Stand and Share then with a new partner create a Diamond 9 of factors in modern medicine... Put the most important factors on the top of the diamond
6. Go back to the PPT, use slides 11-22 and take notes on how drug treatments were developed for infectious diseases
7. Mini Plenary:Stand Up Hand Up Pair Up and Mix Pair Share

i) What were factors like in modern times and which factors causes most progress?
ii) Describe the breakthroughs in drug treatments for infectious diseases in the 20th century
iii) Who was the most important medical figure - Koch, Ehrlich, Fleming or Florey and Chain.. explain
8. Back with your shoulder partner Rally Coach the Fight against Infectious Diseases exercise
9. Plenary: Paraphrase Passport today's WALT

Lesson 2 Development
1. Starter: Round Table the following questions
a) Which 20th century factors helped medical progress? Explain how
b) Which 20th century factors hindered medical progress? Explain how
c) What were the main breakthroughs and developments in the 20th century which resulted in people living longer?
d) What important individuals were there in 20th century medicine and what did they contribute?
2. Take your face partner to a computer and study slides 11-22. Take notes on the fight against infectious diseases AND complete the activities on slides 20 and 21
3. Stand up Hand Up Pair Up Mix and promenade - how were infectious diseases overcome in the 20th century?
4. Stand and Share
5. Plenary - Paraphrase Passport today's WALT

Lesson 3
WALT: Who should get the credit for penicillin the 'wonder drug'?
WILFs: Can describe the contributions of Fleming, Fletcher, Florey and Chain in the discovery and mass production of penicillin (C)
Can compare and contrast the contribution of different individuals and other factors (B)
Can evaluate who should get the credit for penicillin in a supported and well reasoned judgement (A*)

Lesson 3 Development
1. Starter: Stand back to back with your shoulder partner and Mix Pair Share
a) How did Jenner Pasteur and Koch contribute to the fight against infectious diseases
b) How did the fight against infectious disease progress after the contributions of Jenner, pasteur and Koch - mention Ehrlich, Domagk and Fleming
2. Watch the clip and take notes
3. Take your face partner to a computer and Rally Coach the fight against infectious disease activity and print
4. Quiz quiz Trade - questions from Mr Walker

5. Rally Coach the story of penicillin exercise
6. On your tables decide you should get creedit for the discovery and mass production of penicillin and justify your choice
7. Table stand and Share
8. Plenary: With your face partner - go to a computer and dreate a Venn diagram for who should get credit for the discovery and mass production of penicillin

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