Renaissance Medicine

WALT: Why was there sudden progress in medicine during the Renaissance?

WILFS: Can describe factors during the Renaissance (D)... Can describe and explain how factors combined to create some progress and some continuity during the Renaissance (C-B)... Can evaluate which factors were important in creating significant medical progress during the Renaissance (A)

  • During the 1400s, Western civilisation changed significantly. Historians call this the Renaissance era, meaning 'rebirth'.
  • The beginning of the Renaissance is often dated from 1453 AD, when Constantinople fell. This drove scholars, with knowledge of Greek and Roman learning, westwards.
  • Artists, such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Titian, revolutionised painting. They studied the body in more detail, which improved knowledge of anatomy.
  • Universities began using the Scientific Method. These experiments tested theories about medicine, which was vital for its development.
  • The invention of the printing press allowed these new ideas to spread quickly through Europe.
  • Religious reformers like Martin luther began to question the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
  • However, although the Renaissance saw an improvement in medical knowledge, many people still rejected these new ideas

    Lesson Development

    Starter: Round Table: Give examples from the history of medicine of Economy, Individuals, Technology, Government and Religion helping and hindering progress

    Create a table with 2 columns and 2 rows for your notes today

    Renaissance Factors

    Renaissance medicine



    1. Read the key points (in red above) and watch the film 1 share on your table what you have learnt

    2. Now watch film clip 2 and add to your lists

    3. Promenade your partner and discuss today's WALT question

    4. Read or view the PPT - Rally Robin and add to your tables

    5. Pair Share

    a) Which factors were most important in causing progress 

  • b) Which individuals were important in Renaissance medicine and what did they discover?


  • 6. Now take your shoulder partner to a computer and complete the Factors of Change Introduction (see below). Print a copy each


  • 7. Quiz Quiz Trade

    8. Stand Up hand Up Pair Up and Mix Pair Share

    i) How did medicine progress in the Renaissance?

    ii) Why did medicine progress in the Renaissance

    7. Take your face partner to a computer and complete a Renaissance Diagram (linked below)

    Plenary: Paraphrase passport today's WALT

  • Step One: Learn the basics! Following on from the classroom discussion and reading, complete the exercise called Factors of Change Introduction below. Put in Word and Print it  out when it is complete.

    Factors of Change Introduction

    Step Two:Extend what you know! Following classroom discussion of Step 1, complete the interactive diagram linked below. Print out your diagram when finished.

    Renaissance Diagram

    Step 3: Test What you have learnt so Far!  using the Interactive tests linked below

    Multiple Choice Test

    Extension Task Objective 2: Now you have an overview of the Renaissance make notes on the three great figures of the medical Renaissance. Vesalius who concentrated on ANATOMY, Pare whose field was SURGERY, and Harvey whose theory of the circulation of blood was a major contribution to PHYSIOLOGY.
     Research using the blue buttons below and also the search engine on  this page. Use your books to help you to produce a 6 slide powerpoint presentation on each individual

    BBC on the Renaissance


    What ever you need, just Ask Jeeves

    Show what you have learnt today by playing Renaissance Shootout


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